Inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s much celebrated stories from the turn of the century, this exciting 1942 adaptation of The Jungle Book tells the tale of young survivor Mowgli (Sabu) and his spirited adventures in the Indian wilderness. Surrounded by the perils of nature and the structured animal kingdom, Mowgli learns the way of the land, adopted by a wolf pack and befriending a variety of other animals, becoming a 'man-cub' in the process. However, when Mowgli is finally discovered by humans, he is not only returned to his mother but faces a challenging readjustment into society. Unsettled, the jungle soon calls to Mowgli and he makes his way back, this time with friend Mahala (Patricia O'Rourke), to rediscover the wonder of his past and uncover a treasure that may threaten his future.
Nominated for four Academy Awards®, with a mesmerising score by Miklós Rózsa(Ben Hur),The Jungle Bookis a lavish, action-packed production from Zoltan and Alexander Korda (The Four Feathers).
Director: Zoltan Korda
Cast: Joseph Calleia, Sabu