Contact Us
Below is a list of where to send your communication depending on who you are trying to contact. We will try to respond to your query within 1-2 business days. You might also find the answer to your query quicker by checking our FAQ page.
Website Inquiries
If you have any inquiries regarding a website order you have placed OR If you have encountered a problem with the Umbrella Entertainment website then please contact us at or please fill in the form on the right. When inquiring about an order please include your order number for quick reference.
General Company Inquiries
If you have any questions regarding Umbrella Entertainment please check out our FAQ page, but if that doesn’t cover your inquiry then feel free to contact us at
Sales Inquiries (DVD, TV, Airline, VOD, Clip)
If you want to licence a title for either Airline, TV, VOD or clip rights, or If you have a physical or online store and would like to set up an account with Umbrella Entertainment, then please send in your emails to our Sales Manager – Hudson Sowada at
Theatrical Inquiries
For all inquiries regarding 1st Run, New, Theatrical Releases or Umbrella's library catalogue and classics.
Please contact Nikita Leigh-Pritchard
Festival Inquiries
For all inquiries regarding screenings for Domestic or International Festivals, please contact Nikita Leigh-Pritchard
Non-Theatrical and Public Screenings
For all inquiries regarding screenings for Non-Theatrical, Public Performances, Film Societies, Councils, Libraries etc; please contact : Nikita Leigh-Pritchard
Distribution Inquiries
If you have a film that you are looking to distribute (script or finished project) then please email us at
We need a one paragraph synopsis and a short biography of the people involved in the project, making sure you highlight any past experience. If the film is of interest then we will contact you inviting you to submit a one page outline, script or any supporting stills/footage.
Umbrella Home Entertainment’s address:
If you would like to contact us using the age old method of traditional mail then here is our address; and if you need to contact us via phone then our number is below:
18/71 Victoria Cres
Abbotsford VIC 3067
Phone: +61 3 9020 5130
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 9.00AM-5.30PM
Customer Support

Feel free to call at
03 9020 5130