Celebrating British country life circa 1950s, Born and Bred is the much revered TV series created by Chris Chibnall and Simon McCreery (Silent Witness, New Tricks). Exploring the story of a close-knit family and the many unique characters that exist in the village of Ormston, Born and Bred is a delightful peek into an old-fashioned world.
It is a time of post war optimism and, having lived in the sleepy village of Ormston all his life, Dr Arthur Gilder (James Bolam) manages to persuade his son Tom (Michael French) to follow in his well regarded footsteps and together they tend to the community from the iconic yet run down cottage hospital.
Tom is married to Deborah (Jenna Russell), who is chairman of the Parish Council and together they have four loving children - Helen, Michael, Catherine and Philip - who help make the family home a colourful hub of drama and domestic activity.
With an engaging population of intertwined characters, including hospital nurse Linda Cosgrove (Tracey Childs), her policeman husband Len (Peter Gunn), publican Phyllis Woolf (Maggie Steed) and Reverend Brewer (Clive Swift) Born and Bred Series 1 is an endearing study of village lifestyle in the charming British tradition of Ballykissangel and All Creatures Great And Small.