Fires is a six-part serialized anthology series inspired by the stories of the people who survived the catastrophic fire season in Australia and continue to endure the aftermath. Each episode is based around character studies of ordinary people caught in the unimaginable, and the impossible choices they were forced to make.
The series captures the scale of the disaster by following the path of the fires, traveling from north to south of Australia, from September through February. In each episode, viewers will see the conflagration grow, consuming lives, homes, and farmland while destroying communities, bushland, and more than a billion native animals.
Director: Tony Ayres, Belinda Chayko
Cast: Hunter Page-Lochard, Kaden Hartcher, Eliza Scanlen
CONTENT WARNING: This series features images and dramatic reconstructions of the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires which may distress some viewers.