Classic Western adventure series The Roy Rogers Show debuted on television on December 30, 1951. Set in the town of Mineral City in Paradise Valley it stars King of the Cowboys Roy Rogers, riding high and ready for action, on his faithful golden palomino stallion Trigger, 'the smartest horse in the movies'. Roy's ever-capable co-star, well-known as Queen of the West is Dale Evans, astride her own beautiful buckskin named Buttermilk. And don't underestimate Bullet, Roy's most loyal and reliable German Shepherd, ready to help out in any tricky situation.
Roy runs the Double R Bar Ranch, whilst Dale looks after the Eureka Cafe and together they are busy keeping the fine folk of Mineral City out of strife, regularly helped by Trigger, Buttermilk, Pat Brady and Bullet the Wonder Dog.
Featuring 24 cracking black and white episodes across 6 discs, this classic television show captures the essence of a changing landscape, as the West modernised with telephones and automobiles in the mix. Each episode is a lively tale of old-fashioned peril and in-the-saddle suspense, lovingly book ended by the famous duo singing their signature song 'Happy Trails'.